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Images Used

Photographs used 23/09/2020 under the following rights as published by '' at that time:

Unsplash grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos from Unsplash for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Unsplash. This license does not include the right to compile photos from Unsplash to replicate a similar or competing service.

Image Image Name Photographer
Man on the street with headphones, smiling IJrIeCs3D4g Yingchou Han
Lady, reclining on sofa using laptop BYGLQ32Wjx8 Mimi Thian
Lady looking out through foliage qMrXRcDP5Vw Pradeep Ranjan
Lady, smiling, sitting at a bar in a cafe or museum NoRsyXmHGpI Brooke Cagle
Coffee mug on a table, with the legend 'begin' across its front IuLgi9PWETU Danielle MacInnes
Two communications devices - a tablet and smartphone on a sofa 2-1wvS-jZZQ Oliur


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