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Couples & Relationships Therapy

Our Couples & Relationships Therapy Services are Available Online as well as in our Shropshire Clinic

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Relationships require understanding and working together. Numerous factors can play a part in causing difficulties in relationships: day to day stresses, professional and family demands, juggling various pressures, stress, financial problems, traumas and underlying mental health and physical health issues. These strains on relationships can lead to conflict which may require therapy.

Couples therapy requires the development of specific skills and training, to help individuals and couples to find ways of resolving conflicts. and helping in identifying problems causing difficulties in a relationship, and developing ways of changing and modifying unhelpful behaviours, improving communication, and promoting strength in a relationship.

Here at Mental Health and Well Being Services, Sabeen Mohamad undertakes the couples and relationship therapy work and has undertaken accredited training along with a vast experience of working with couples.

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For more information or to find out how to book an appointment then please contact us.


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